Become a Member at G-Six
Join us!
Whether you're keen to box, or train for strength & fitness- we have a range of membership options to suit you!
We offer 2 tiers of membership at G-Six, with our facilities equipped with full boxing and weights & cardio fit-outs.
OPTION 1: 'The Den' Open Mat
..... What's 'The Den?'
'The Den' gym is our fully equipped weights & cardio facility inside our gym. The den boasts a large amount of space, inclusive of squat racks, dumbbells, kettlebells, wall balls, cardio machines and more, PLUS a massive variety of Hammer Strength weight machines.
Please note - “Open Mat” / The Den memberships don’t include access to boxing classes.
OPTION 2: 'Unlimited Class & Gym'
When you sign up as a full unlimited class member with us, not only do you get access to classes at G-Six Boxing, but you also gain 24/7 access to 'The Den' gym as part of your membership!
PLEASE CONTACT US, if you are looking to sign up for a Junior Boxing Membership.
Your swipe pass
Your swipe pass will give you 24-hr access to the gym, and costs $50. This is included in your first payment.
It's super important to remember that you cannot swipe other people in on your swipe pass, it is for you and you only. If you swipe non-members in on your swipe pass, your membership will be cancelled immediately.
Membership types
KINCUMBER - Full Unlimited Class & Gym
Unlimited access to timetabled boxing classes
Access to G-Six Gym during operational hours
Access to all weights facilities
Access to all cardio machines & fitness facilities
Access to all boxing bags & equipment
$55 per week, 6 month minimum term
$45 per week, 12 month minimum term
**(If you are under the age of 18, your signup must be completed with staff during reception hours.)**
KINCUMBER - 'The Den' Open Gym
Unlimited access to all timetabled boxing classes
Access to G-Six Gym during operational hours
Access to all weights facilities
Access to all cardio machines & fitness facilities
Access to all boxing bags & equipment
$24.99 per week, 12 month minimum term
**(If you are under the age of 18, your signup must be completed with staff during reception hours.)**