Two days into training and we have plenty of messages of people having a crack from home!
We want to bring you the best home experience possible, and we've noticed some ways that we can make sessions even more accessible and easy to follow. As a result we will be making a few small but effective changes:
- We'll be changing the names of the classes slightly, so it’s super clear to which classes are completely equipment free and which ones have options to do bagwork and so on.
- We're increasing the timetable and adding in a couple of extra time slots per day, meaning a possible 6 - 8 sessions with the same session being repeated a couple of times each day.
- Even better and clearer points of instruction and direction on videos.
All of these changes will come into effect on week 2. Remember week 1 is going to be the same classes as the original timetable to settle everyone in. Week 2 will be a mix of 5 class types and from week 3 we aim to have different classes every day across the week.
Thank you all for the support and we are excited to continue working to improve the videos and content, and increase the variety of sessions as the weeks continue ❤️🙏🥊